Saturday, July 21, 2012

List of "Pushing Gift" Ideas and "New Dad Gifts" too!

Pushing gifts... the 21st century's answer to more jewelry!

Just about every mother that I know under the age of 40 has heard of a "pushing gift" and a majority of those mothers have received one.

The notions of "pushing gifts" and "babymoons" are becoming a mainstay in our culture. We are encouraged to celebrate new parents and the life change that comes with it.

I am not bashful to admit that I have received 2 "pushing gifts". One for each baby (so far) and I didnt even have to push (csections). haha  For my first daughter Kenzington my husband got me these beautiful black diamond earrings.

For my second daughter Sutton, I received this beautiful necklace with a 'k' and 's' for each baby girl - below -. (I have yet to invest or ask my husband to invest more money in a more set display of the kiddos. We plan on having more bebes and I wouldnt want to spend tons of money on a set piece when we have another kid later.)

These pushing gifts got me thinking... What other things can I ask for the next baby?
And I didnt want to leave the daddys out either. Also included is a list for 'new dad gifts' too. (IMO the whole entitlement that some mothers feel for having given birth and made a baby is disgusting. Without the partnership of 'the sperm' *the labor or postpartum name you will affectionately give your husband due to the natural phenomena that makes you want to kill them* there would be no baby and you wouldn't be a mother. It takes two to tango and in the least a turkey baster with the same ingredient is still needed- Unfortunately, women have yet to evolve into asexual creatures, which is something I am sure will one day happen because we are the superior gender haha) I have personally LOVED searching and purchasing a 'new dad gift' for my husband for each baby. He should be honored and thanked for his part and most certainly for this patience with you while you were pregnant. Respect your partner ladies!

Kenzington "New Dad Gift"

Sutton "New Dad Gift"

(we got my hubbys to say... husband. dadd. hero and then the girls initials

Ok, so off the rant...
AWESOME gifts for 
every mom's "Pushing Gift"  and "New Dad Gift" wish list

1.  Jewelry 
You could invest in a more set piece that would have each babies names in a cohesive composition

Or we suggest investing in a cheaper option for each baby and purchasing a set piece after the baby making has stopped

2. Gear Splurge
You could skip the his and hers sentiments all together and decide to splurge on a gear or other baby purchase. This agreement would get mom and dad out of the last minute shopping for a "Pushing" or "New Dad" gift, everyone is happy, and its a great compromise for those on a beer budget with champagne taste.

3. Vintage or Heirloom Accessories
Create a tradition or carry on an old one. Fathers giving sons pocket watches or mothers passing lockets onto daughters on their wedding day. Think about all those touching moments in life and try to capture the love for each baby to have a memory. 

4. Calling Cards
Talk about a 21st Century parenting advancement. "Calling Cards" are the new way to morph being a stay at home mom into a full time professional job. 
These calling cards are great for a new mom you met on the playground. They aren't as impersonal as a true business card and more convenient than searching for paper and a pen. Dads can also carry theses cards but I would consider a more masculine approach to the slogan. 

5. DVD's 
One tradition my husband and I also have for each new baby as been to purchase a TV show on DVD for each daughter. The long nights and mornings of baby care can get very long and the Home Shopping Network and infomercials will only keep you up a limited amount of time before you start to nod off. I suggest a comedy or action drama that both can agree to; it helps to keep those eyes from closing. We have all seasons of  "The Big Bang Theory" and "Merlin" respectably. 

6. Silent but Stylish Jewelry
Skip initials, monograms and personalized messages all together and opt for simple  pieces to celebrate each new baby.

For more help or inspiration, check us out online at

Friday, July 13, 2012

Apology for delay and update on BellyBuff

First and foremost let us apologize for the delay in my blog posting. Palm Beach's Belly Buff has still been functioning and working in the Palm Beach Area. We had found that the blogging was subsequent to the other services and areas of Palm Beach's Belly Buff.

Also, Danette (owner) has welcomed a new baby girl and is finally able to get into a groove again with both the new baby Sutton and big sister Kenzington (18mos)

We plan to update the blog more regularly and hope to get some input from subscribers of topics you would like discussed. We look forward to hearing from you all soon.

For more information about our services and to contact us, check us out online at

Thursday, July 12, 2012

10 Reminders for Mothers of Young Ladies

So I know its been a super long time since my last post for Palm Beach's Belly Buff... I will update everything soon but for now, the rebirth of the blog is for a whole other purpose.

I have become a pinterest user and I have seen numerous "things to say to your son", "dads... how to love your daughters", "moms things to teach their sons.." ... you get the point..

everything is celebrating a mother's role and importance in raising a son and a father's in raising a daughter.
Now, my friends and super honest husband would be happy to enlighten everyone about my fear and anxiety about having a girl. I made no excuse or apology about making it known that I wanted boys. Well, my first and now second born have both been girls... I have happily converted and my awareness and worldview has completely changed to being a girl loving mumma.. (this is huge for me bc I never was a girls girl... only a handful of women/girls I have opened up to enough to call a true friend.)

So, with my new love, enlightenment, ambition, enthusiasm, and honor that I have discovered in raising girls (yes I know they are young and I dont know everything but its a running draft so be nice people) I wanted to share a new pinterest destination of:

It Takes A Strong Mumma To Raise Girls 
10 reminders for mothers of young ladies

1. Stay Classy at all times
Remember they are watching you... your demeanor and behavior will be imitated. That means your language (I struggle with this) relationships, respect and how you talk to people in public, even those who you work for or work for you. Manners, integrity and humility are key. Try to have fun and relax, no one is perfect and a perfect mother doesn't exist. 

2. Respect your partner
Now let me clarify... respect doesn't equal a doormat but show her a healthy respect for the other parent in the family. This includes healthy disagreements.

3. Model good eating and healthy body image
a majority of young girls with Eating Disorders site female family members as an influence or trigger for their fixation. Don't let men be the only people who tell her she's beautiful.. tell her yourself often... daily. 

4. Start a diary of your life experiences
ie. bad dates, first times (yes even that first time), ex's, friends, business advice etc.  Whatever you are willing to admit and be honest about (of course this will vary from woman to woman) Give it to your daughter when she is old enough.. (esp if there is more than pg13 information) to show her your mistakes and what happened, be open about how you hurt, how you rose above and how things worked out. Your daughters might not learn from your mistakes but they will know who to talk to when things turn out similarly. (bc we all know they probably will)

5. Celebrate her life changes
When everyone else (esp her daddy) is not wanting her to date, wear a bra, grow up.. celebrate and make her feel comfortable about the change. Girls should never feel embarrassed about growing up and the changes that life brings... if its apart of life... ie. going through puberty, going on a date, first crush/love, going to college, meeting a boy, getting married CELEBRATE it!! Be her strong cheerleader and support when people expect her to not grow up.

6. Teach her the domestic things in life and independence
Teach her how to cook, clean, sew, care for children, maintain a home.. all those good 1950's pillars. See, I'm not just a female domestic cheerleader... girls need to learn independence too. That means financially, socially, physically and mechanically. (Yes, mechanically.. instead of the childhood experience of the father teaching the daughter how to change a tire... show her that she doesnt need a man to show her, her mumma knows how.. *you might need a prep course before you display your Nascar pit crew skills on your minivan)

7. Marry smart not rich
Mumma always taught me to marry smart not rich. A rich man can loose everything but a smart man will know how to make more even if he loses it. 
Smart is just better. Period. 

8. Rules of aesthetics
more, bigger and gaudy dont always equal better. Take a cue from fashion and take one accessory off before you leave the house. That doesnt mean to not teach her the wonders of diamonds (or cz's, no reason to be uppity) 

9. Read, Learn, Question and Assert yourself as a mother
Encouraging your daughters intellect and reason is one of the most important to me as a mother. Stay active mentally, socially and intellectually. Read often, educate yourself on current events, issues, politics. Form your own opinions and share if they are different from your partners (again be respectful and classy mummas!) or affirm your thoughts if they are the same views. 

10. Be a mom not a friend
Nothing is more confusing to a child than a parent who wants to be loved more than help their children through life. Make those hard choices, punish when needed, dont feel bad about tears if it will spare her later in life from some other pain. 


haha sasha fierce!

feel free to add comments and suggestions for other things to teach our little ladies
much love mummas!