Monday, June 20, 2011

Palm Beach’s Belly Buff’s Expiration's and Feeding Rules for Your Baby

One of the hardest areas for new parents to navigate is all of those rules about feeding. When does a bottle become bad? How long you can freeze and prepare food and milk for your baby’s meals? Well look no further... Palm Beach’s Belly Buff has made it easy for you to care for your baby in a healthy way. Simply print the below chart and place in a convenient place. You will never have to google the rules at 2 a.m. ever again!

Palm Beach’s Belly Buff’s

Expiration's and Feeding Rules for Your Baby

* Please always follow these two rules:

Once a baby's lips touch a bottle, spoon, and tray... etc the feeding must end within the hour. Bacteria can grow and make your baby sick. Discard any uneaten portions.

Never heat your baby’s food in the microwave or let thaw on countertop. Always use a hot water bath (tea cup or running hot water), a bottle warmer, serve cold, or thaw in the refrigerator.

Belly Buff Tip – Label all milk, food, and formula with date and time when storing. This will keep your baby healthy and free from food born bacteria.

Breastfeeding - For newborns, make sure to not let them feed for over 45 minutes at a time. They are unable at first to regulate their weight. They will end up burning more calories than they are taking in and therefore loose weight. Keep up the hard work momma. You are providing your baby with some of the nutrition nature can create.

Formula - Formula is a great alternative to bf'ing. Formula brands are now held to higher standards with vitamins and other needs. (Never feel guilty for feeding your baby formula). Make sure to buy a special newborn formula for babies 3 months and younger. Newest research shows that newborn babies to 3 month olds need more vitamin D.

Baby Food – Newest research shows that introducing protein to your baby first may help with diabetes. But introducing fruits, veggies, protein, or cereal in any order is still great for your baby. Until they are 9 – 12 months (depending on your baby’s size) food introduction serves as a fun activity to develop your baby’s palate and is not a nutrition requirement. Please follow your parental instincts and introduce solid food no earlier than 4 months. Also to note, it has yet to be proven that introducing fruits first will damage a baby’s taste buds or create a sweet tooth. However, salt will damage their taste buds, but please do not shy away from seasoning all together. When you feel our baby is ready… introduce spices to help baby enjoy food even more. Always watch baby and feed upright to avoid choking. Stay way from round foods that can clog a baby’s airway. Wait to introduce finger foods until baby has chewing action mastered.

Stay away from the following foods until your baby is over a year and they are cleared under the guidance of your doctor.

Honey (can cause botulism)

Nuts including peanut butter (may cause allergens)

Shellfish (may cause allergens)

Type of feeding After feeding Room Temp Refrigerator Freezer

Breastfeeding/ Pumped Milk

Once a baby's lips touch a bottle, spoon, and tray... etc the feeding must end within the hour. Bacteria can grow and make your baby sick. Discard any uneaten portions.

Breast milk can be stored at room temp for 10 hours maximum.

Milk should be consumed within this time frame or discarded. Please do not store in refrigerator or freezer after this time has lapsed.

Breast milk can be stored in the refrigerator for 8 days.

Once milk is warmed to room temp or warmed to be consumed… it must be eaten with in an hour.

Breast milk can be stored in the freezer for 4 months.

Once the milk is placed in the refrigerator to be thawed it must be consumed in 24 hours.


Once a baby's lips touch a bottle, spoon, and tray... etc the feeding must end within the hour. Bacteria can grow and make your baby sick. Discard any uneaten portions.

Premixed Formula = It is made to stored at room temperature. Note the individual bottles expiration dates. Remember to never reuse a bottle and discard bottle after feeding begins.

Powder Formula =

Can be stored at room temp for 2 hours max. It is better to place in the refrigerator.

Premixed formula = Not recommended

Powder Formula =

You can premix your powder formula and store in the refrigerator for 24 hours. This is great for parents of multiples (make a huge pitcher and pour appropriate amount per feeding, or you can mix bottles so your nanny doesn’t have to know how.)

Premixed and Powder Formula = Not recommended

Baby Food

Once a baby's lips touch a bottle, spoon, and tray... etc the feeding must end within the hour. Bacteria can grow and make your baby sick. Discard any uneaten portions.

Eat jar baby food (or freshly made) as soon a possible and never leave out at room temp for longer than 2 hours.

You can store your baby food in the

Refrigerator for up to 2 days. After the food is heated or brought to room temp it must be consumed or discarded.

Baby food can be stored in the freezer for up to 4 months. Once the food is placed in the refrigerator to be thawed it must be consumed in 24 hours.

Palm Beach’s Belly Buff, check us out at

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