Thursday, April 21, 2011

Why we use "it's ok!"

I was watching Americas Funniest Home Videos one evening (easily my favorite show)! They did a whole segment about how parents (or anyone for that matter) say "it's ok" whenever their child is crying or gets hurt.

After watching countless parents run over to an injured child saying with audible stress "it's ok" i had a moment myself. Haha it was hysterical to see parent after parent say the phrase in the exact same way.

So that got me thinking... Why do we do it?
Why do we constantly say that phrase when frankly most of the time everything is
NOT ok? Haha

I believe we utter those infamous words when we know the amount of stress our child is under. To top it off... We also understand the added stress that should an injured child scream, we as parents will be under.

I read the other day that a child's cry actually has a physical repercussion on the parents bodies. So yes momma, your nerves are legitimately on edge! Haha

My conclusion? We say "it's ok" because we want it to be ok. It's a way to calm us down. But please don't assume those little words will spare you from this......

Because momma... ITS OK!

Belly xoxo's,


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