Monday, August 22, 2011

dads to be missing out on those jabs to your ribs? tips to help a dad feel more connected during pregnancy

its no secret that men/ partners feel left out of the whole pregnancy process. and rightfully so... your body is the one going through it, the vessel, being taken over by massive amounts of gas, heartburn, cravings, mood swings and alien hands and feet... but i digress =D

Our first babies (our partners) need some attention and want to be involved too. here are some easy tips that can get the new daddy ready for the baby bonding that is soon to come

1. have them rub your belly with oil /lotion (dr rec products only) *plus you can only get to certain areas at the 3rd trimester
2. read a book to baby (cool fact, when your baby is born... it will turn towards your voice vs your partners... even better.. baby will turn towards partner vs anyone else... they really are number 2 from the begining)
3. have a eating game (sober version of a drinking game) gather all your fav craving foods, play a game with your partner and instead of shots... take bites of your fav foods...
4. day in your shoes... a lot of places provide the belly suits for your partners. this will really let them understand and connect on a different level, its not punishment or for you to get more attention but a real way for them to connect * WARNING only for very confident and comfortable men!!*
5. let your partner pick out a special toy or outfit for the baby to wear
6. talk to baby about day - recap the days stresses with the best listener in the world!
7. pocket a pic of your baby in their wallet
8. play music that daddy like for baby - i will NEVER forget my babys kicks to cake... i Hate cake but it made my hubby feel connected to the baby
9. hang on until the baby is born - once your partner sees that precious face, you will be fighting over who gets to change that diaper... guarenteed

for more tips, tricks, comments and support, check us out at
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