Wednesday, September 7, 2011

prepping for baby? dreading the baby gear look in your house?

alright, we all know the difference between homes with and without babies. homes without babies are organized, clean, and typically free of clutter. homes with little bundles of joy have baby gear all over and a single photo could capture a minimum of 10 product placement endorsements. have no fear momma... here are some tips.


1. register and purchase gear that fits with your decor (ie. traditional home= wood finishes, modern= simple/white, contemporary= clean lines)

2. inventory your space and note where items can fit without being in the middle of the floor (nooks, in place of bed/sofa tables, under sofa/bed)

3. stick with colors that compliment your current scheme verses going crazy with boy and girl themed purchases (what blends? tones of the same color or hues near it on the color wheel, avoid colors across from your primary)

4. nothing makes a home look less organized than neutral base colors mixing (ie brown and black) a small detail like this goes a long way.

5. space saving options are not only for parents in apartments, most are just as effective and better yet, the gear takes a backseat your decor. (travel cribs, swings, and highchairs are fantastic)

6. trivial but notable, draping blankets and toys etc over loud obnoxious tags help your home to look less like a ad and more like home with warmth and texture.

7. buy baby gates from pet stores (tip from a friend) they are typically made better and have different finishes that blend better into your current decor

avoid this

get to this

for more baby tips, nursery decor and registry help, check us out online at

Monday, August 22, 2011

dads to be missing out on those jabs to your ribs? tips to help a dad feel more connected during pregnancy

its no secret that men/ partners feel left out of the whole pregnancy process. and rightfully so... your body is the one going through it, the vessel, being taken over by massive amounts of gas, heartburn, cravings, mood swings and alien hands and feet... but i digress =D

Our first babies (our partners) need some attention and want to be involved too. here are some easy tips that can get the new daddy ready for the baby bonding that is soon to come

1. have them rub your belly with oil /lotion (dr rec products only) *plus you can only get to certain areas at the 3rd trimester
2. read a book to baby (cool fact, when your baby is born... it will turn towards your voice vs your partners... even better.. baby will turn towards partner vs anyone else... they really are number 2 from the begining)
3. have a eating game (sober version of a drinking game) gather all your fav craving foods, play a game with your partner and instead of shots... take bites of your fav foods...
4. day in your shoes... a lot of places provide the belly suits for your partners. this will really let them understand and connect on a different level, its not punishment or for you to get more attention but a real way for them to connect * WARNING only for very confident and comfortable men!!*
5. let your partner pick out a special toy or outfit for the baby to wear
6. talk to baby about day - recap the days stresses with the best listener in the world!
7. pocket a pic of your baby in their wallet
8. play music that daddy like for baby - i will NEVER forget my babys kicks to cake... i Hate cake but it made my hubby feel connected to the baby
9. hang on until the baby is born - once your partner sees that precious face, you will be fighting over who gets to change that diaper... guarenteed

for more tips, tricks, comments and support, check us out at
blog at

Thursday, July 28, 2011

put those swollen feet to bed!!!! tips for resting your cankles!

Drink water – sounds counter productive but it really works
Try relaxing in the pool or ocean…. This takes a load off your feet… no pun intended
Wear comfortable, supportive shoes – its ok to wear flats mommas…
Avoid being outside and walking for long distances
Sit whenever you have a chance and better yet… put your feet above your heart
Don’t sit in chairs that do not allow your feet to fall flat on the ground (i.e. pub stools, huge couches etc.) Your feet should rest comfortably on the ground.

need help with anything pregnancy? hit us up at

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

having another baby? different gender? have a "Closet Stocking Baby Shower"

If you are like many modern parents, you probably purchased as many gender neutral items as possible when it came to preparing for your first baby.

But who can resist a pink tutu for your baby girl or a "mommy's stud muffin" onsie for your little man?

Are you afraid its tacky to have a second or third shower for the next member of your family?

Well public opinion says no, its ok! Here are some steps to take to ensure you have just as flattering of a wardrobe for your new bundle of joy.

1. Go through and organize items that are gender neutral and can be used again.

2. Make a list of items you need replaced.

3. Let friends and family know that you would like to celebrate the new baby with a "Closet Stocking Shower"

or mini shower

4. Notate on invitations what is needed. A typical "Closet Stocking Shower" will only include clothes, blankets, and gender specific accessories or nursery accents.

5. If there are larger/other items like a pink bumbo cover or firetruck sheets to be replaced... discuss with your parents or family to fulfill those needs.

6. If you are still lacking in the closet post shower... consider trading wardrobes with a friend who had the same gender as your new baby. Make sure to take good care of the items to show your gratitude.


Monday, June 20, 2011

Palm Beach’s Belly Buff’s Expiration's and Feeding Rules for Your Baby

One of the hardest areas for new parents to navigate is all of those rules about feeding. When does a bottle become bad? How long you can freeze and prepare food and milk for your baby’s meals? Well look no further... Palm Beach’s Belly Buff has made it easy for you to care for your baby in a healthy way. Simply print the below chart and place in a convenient place. You will never have to google the rules at 2 a.m. ever again!

Palm Beach’s Belly Buff’s

Expiration's and Feeding Rules for Your Baby

* Please always follow these two rules:

Once a baby's lips touch a bottle, spoon, and tray... etc the feeding must end within the hour. Bacteria can grow and make your baby sick. Discard any uneaten portions.

Never heat your baby’s food in the microwave or let thaw on countertop. Always use a hot water bath (tea cup or running hot water), a bottle warmer, serve cold, or thaw in the refrigerator.

Belly Buff Tip – Label all milk, food, and formula with date and time when storing. This will keep your baby healthy and free from food born bacteria.

Breastfeeding - For newborns, make sure to not let them feed for over 45 minutes at a time. They are unable at first to regulate their weight. They will end up burning more calories than they are taking in and therefore loose weight. Keep up the hard work momma. You are providing your baby with some of the nutrition nature can create.

Formula - Formula is a great alternative to bf'ing. Formula brands are now held to higher standards with vitamins and other needs. (Never feel guilty for feeding your baby formula). Make sure to buy a special newborn formula for babies 3 months and younger. Newest research shows that newborn babies to 3 month olds need more vitamin D.

Baby Food – Newest research shows that introducing protein to your baby first may help with diabetes. But introducing fruits, veggies, protein, or cereal in any order is still great for your baby. Until they are 9 – 12 months (depending on your baby’s size) food introduction serves as a fun activity to develop your baby’s palate and is not a nutrition requirement. Please follow your parental instincts and introduce solid food no earlier than 4 months. Also to note, it has yet to be proven that introducing fruits first will damage a baby’s taste buds or create a sweet tooth. However, salt will damage their taste buds, but please do not shy away from seasoning all together. When you feel our baby is ready… introduce spices to help baby enjoy food even more. Always watch baby and feed upright to avoid choking. Stay way from round foods that can clog a baby’s airway. Wait to introduce finger foods until baby has chewing action mastered.

Stay away from the following foods until your baby is over a year and they are cleared under the guidance of your doctor.

Honey (can cause botulism)

Nuts including peanut butter (may cause allergens)

Shellfish (may cause allergens)

Type of feeding After feeding Room Temp Refrigerator Freezer

Breastfeeding/ Pumped Milk

Once a baby's lips touch a bottle, spoon, and tray... etc the feeding must end within the hour. Bacteria can grow and make your baby sick. Discard any uneaten portions.

Breast milk can be stored at room temp for 10 hours maximum.

Milk should be consumed within this time frame or discarded. Please do not store in refrigerator or freezer after this time has lapsed.

Breast milk can be stored in the refrigerator for 8 days.

Once milk is warmed to room temp or warmed to be consumed… it must be eaten with in an hour.

Breast milk can be stored in the freezer for 4 months.

Once the milk is placed in the refrigerator to be thawed it must be consumed in 24 hours.


Once a baby's lips touch a bottle, spoon, and tray... etc the feeding must end within the hour. Bacteria can grow and make your baby sick. Discard any uneaten portions.

Premixed Formula = It is made to stored at room temperature. Note the individual bottles expiration dates. Remember to never reuse a bottle and discard bottle after feeding begins.

Powder Formula =

Can be stored at room temp for 2 hours max. It is better to place in the refrigerator.

Premixed formula = Not recommended

Powder Formula =

You can premix your powder formula and store in the refrigerator for 24 hours. This is great for parents of multiples (make a huge pitcher and pour appropriate amount per feeding, or you can mix bottles so your nanny doesn’t have to know how.)

Premixed and Powder Formula = Not recommended

Baby Food

Once a baby's lips touch a bottle, spoon, and tray... etc the feeding must end within the hour. Bacteria can grow and make your baby sick. Discard any uneaten portions.

Eat jar baby food (or freshly made) as soon a possible and never leave out at room temp for longer than 2 hours.

You can store your baby food in the

Refrigerator for up to 2 days. After the food is heated or brought to room temp it must be consumed or discarded.

Baby food can be stored in the freezer for up to 4 months. Once the food is placed in the refrigerator to be thawed it must be consumed in 24 hours.

Palm Beach’s Belly Buff, check us out at

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer Pregnancy Health

Being pregnant/ REALLY pregnant during our sauna summers in south florida is no easy task. I remember just asking my husband to drive me around because the car ac could get much cooler than any central ac in a house. (Plus it helped with my nausea... but ask your well meaning hubby to avoid bumps) Here are some positive ways to handle our florida heat while enjoying your pregnancy.

Relax - With the extra hours of sunlight and busy schedule, summer is one of the easiest times of year to get burned out. Take some time each day to be alone, whether you are meditating, breathing, reading or walking- this practice will help you to stay grounded and keep your energy reserves full.

Eat hot spices - Though this might sound ironic because of your heartburn... the spices of Indian food actually help our bodies regulate to a comfortable temperature. So enjoy spices like ginger, black pepper, chili peppers and cayenne.

Take a dip - In south florida, exercising outdoors can be a challenge. Take advantage of good ole' Atlantic ocean and take a dip. There are many healing benefits of salt water that replenish our adrenals, kidneys and reproductive organs, while gently detoxifying and refreshing.

Monday, May 2, 2011

things you never thought you would say...

Let's face it mommas! We have probably each self proclaimed that we would never say some of those crazy things our parents said to us... but wow... does history repeat itself....

Here are a few of my favorites:

- " Is her poop the right shade of green today?"

- "It's Ok" (As previously discussed)

- "You are your fathers child"

- "Please do not eat that squished bug"

- "If you throw up ... I am gonna make you eat that too!"

- Singing any song with changes to accommodate bottle, booty, poopy, baby

- "I would prefer you not lick the floor"

Cheers to you mommas! Happy Mother's Day Week!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Why we use "it's ok!"

I was watching Americas Funniest Home Videos one evening (easily my favorite show)! They did a whole segment about how parents (or anyone for that matter) say "it's ok" whenever their child is crying or gets hurt.

After watching countless parents run over to an injured child saying with audible stress "it's ok" i had a moment myself. Haha it was hysterical to see parent after parent say the phrase in the exact same way.

So that got me thinking... Why do we do it?
Why do we constantly say that phrase when frankly most of the time everything is
NOT ok? Haha

I believe we utter those infamous words when we know the amount of stress our child is under. To top it off... We also understand the added stress that should an injured child scream, we as parents will be under.

I read the other day that a child's cry actually has a physical repercussion on the parents bodies. So yes momma, your nerves are legitimately on edge! Haha

My conclusion? We say "it's ok" because we want it to be ok. It's a way to calm us down. But please don't assume those little words will spare you from this......

Because momma... ITS OK!

Belly xoxo's,


Saturday, April 16, 2011

First piece of mail

Everything is coming together! Our first piece of mail came in today!

I can't wait to launch!

Take care mommas!

belly xoxo's,


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

a brand and a business is born!

So, I have long wanted to start a business that I could accomplish while at home with my new little girl. And more importantly, it could not be a pyramid type set up... ( though those are great... simply not for me). It had to be something that I felt confident in, loved, was experienced in. Following numerous requests from friends to assist with registering, finding doctors etc. I found my business. Baby and pregnancy consultant!

Then to my delight, following the birth of my supposed unique brainchild.... BRAVO premiered a new show "Pregnant in Heals". Brilliant!!!! Not only was this show displaying an amazing business woman to admire, she doing exactly what I wanted. Best yet... it was a proven successful model!

I am here today, finalizing all the last details so I can be of the best service to all of my clients. Reading tons of books, magazines, (yes there are still some out there that I didn't read while pregnant =D ) and working out all the final detail work. This has been a labor of love and I am so excited to share my information, experience, enthusiasm and encouragement for all the new moms.

So cheers to you new moms! (with sparkling wine only of course) I cant wait to meet you, swap stories, and share some of the knowledge I acquired along the way.

belly xoxo's,
